Welcome to our relaxing family home. Here you will find the important information about our flat.

Entrance and living room

  1. Wardrobe
    to Place your Jacket and shoes, also in the shoe wardrobe in front of the door you have space
  2. Closed room
    behind this door is our office, this is closed as it has lots of personnel things in it.
  3. Wardrobes
    Some of the wardrobes are closed, please don’t try to open them as they are closed and only for us. In the middle wardrobe you find lots of toys for the kids to draw and be creative
  4. Toys
    In this closet there are lots of toys for the kids such as LEGO, board games, Puzzle and also blankets to use for watching TV.
  5. Alcohol
    Here we store our alcohol, please feel free to use some.
IMPORTANT: Some Closets are closed please dont try to open them, THANK YOU

Link to find out more about the TV: LINK

Link to find out more about our Smart Home: LINK


Not much to say, just help yourself and try everything out.
We have an induction cooker, which means everything boils and cooks very fast. Don’t put the heat too much up

Master Bedroom

The first wardrobe at the entrance its empty for you to use, the other closets are closed and private stuff, please don’t open them Thank you

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.